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Your First Visit

Your First VisitComplimentary Consultation

A wide variety of people, both children and adults, are seeking orthodontic care these days. There are many reasons for this decision including personal aesthetic concerns, developmental needs, speech and chewing deficiencies, temporomandibular joint and facial pain concerns, as well as recommendations prior to dental rehabilitation or reconstructive surgery. Since some patients recognize their own dental need and others are referred to us by their general dentist, we feel that it is essential for our patients to be well educated prior to any treatment commitment and financial decision.

At your first visit to our office you will meet our staff and the Doctor. Our Diagnostic Records Technician will obtain diagnostic digital photographs of your teeth and bite in order to help visualize and discuss the findings. The Doctor will then examine your teeth and address your concerns, as well as his findings. Your desires and goals as well as the technique options, costs and the financing will be addressed at this visit. Insurance coverage varies significantly and will be reviewed with you. For the patient who does not have insurance, we offer customized interest-free payment plans, paid over the length of your treatment.

You will receive a significant amount of information at the initial consultation appointment. Please ask as many questions as necessary to help enlighten and educate yourself on your orthodontic condition, your specific needs and potential therapy available. After this initial exam is completed the diagnostic records will be taken. These can be scheduled immediately following the consultation appointment or within a few days. These records include medical/dental histories, a detailed clinical exam, plaster models of your teeth, digital photos of your face and dental arches along with digitized x-rays. This information is used to develop your customized treatment plan. They are also helpful in realizing any significant dental findings not evident at the initial examination and also in tracking the progress of treatment while the teeth are moving during orthodontic care. After the Doctor has evaluated these records he will discuss your treatment with you in detail.

Starting Treatment

Due to the wide variety of orthodontic treatment plans and treatment options, the beginning appointment may be as simple as a five-minute impression or as complicated as a two-hour placement of orthodontic brackets. Our staff will make sure that you understand the steps and are comfortably prepared. Routine orthodontic brace placement is normally accomplished in approximately two hours. A significant segment of this appointment is dedicated to answering questions and patient education.

Examples of the type of appliances you will be wearing will be reviewed at the initial start up appointment.

Regular Appointments

The appointment when you get your appliances (braces, expanders, etc.) usually takes from one to two hours. You'll then see us at regular intervals 4 to 8 weeks apart for an adjustment, which takes 20 to 40 minutes. Patients are seen by appointment only. We make every effort to be on time for our patients and ask that you extend the same courtesy to us. If you cannot keep an appointment, please notify us immediately.

Payment & Office Policies

The cost of treatment depends on the severity of the patient's problem. You will be able to discuss fees and payment options before treatment begins. We have several payment plans to suit different budgets. We work hard to make orthodontics affordable.

In an effort to keep orthodontic fees down while maintaining the highest level of professional care, we have established this financial policy:
  • If full payment is made at the onset of treatment, we will offer a fee discount. (If you have insurance, we will offer a discount for payment of your portion of the fee that will not be covered by insurance.)
  • To fit your individual needs, financial arrangements can be made to extend your payments over a period of months.
  • For your convenience, we accept payment by VISA and MASTERCARD.
If you have insurance, we will help you to determine the coverage you have available. We will help in every way we can in filing your claim and handling insurance questions from our office on your behalf.

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