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Dear Dr. Jeff & Staff,

          I wanted to write and thank all of you for everything you have done over the past 2 years! Every one of you treated me like i was part of the "family". I have battles all my life with dental problems and along the way had run into offices who did not treat me well due to the condition of my teeth and a couple even refused to treat me. I am lucky and very blessed to have had the opportunity to be treated by your office! I know that I paid for the torture (lol) but everyone there made it as enjoyable as it possibly could be and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Keep up the great work!

                                                                                       With lots of Thanks, hugs and a BIG smile!

                                                                                                        Carrie M.


Dear Dr. Jeff & Staff,

         We are so happy and pleased with the successful completion of Ally and Taylor's orthodontic treatment. However, we are also sad as it has been like visiting a family for both children over the past years they have been under your wonderful guidance of their bones, muscles, and teeth. The confidence that they both have in moving forward with their lives is part in due to the treatment you provided them over the past three years.

         We will continue to recommend your orthodontic services to all our family and friends as we feel Dr. Jeff is the best!!!! Your care, concern, passion, and expertise for your profession is amazing and we will never forget what you have done for our children.

          We also applaud your entire staff. We don't know what we would have done with Diane and Janean and then all the wonderful ladies that assist you with their teeth. Oh and especially the nice girl that dealt with Taylor when he came all those times with no lunch.

           Please knoe from the bottom of our hearts how pleases we were with our decision years ago.... Ally truly grew into those teeth and what a smile Dr. Jeff created. She will "show it off" and she will never forget you!!!

                                                                                                                                 Warmest regards,

                                                                                                                                  The Rahn Family